Eaton Corner Museum : Final activity was well-attended

Musée Angilas

The artist, Denis Palmer, explains his artistic approach to visitors.

The closing activity of the 2016 season of the Eaton Corner Museum was a great success. It was an Open Door weekend which included an exhibit of works by the artist Denis Palmer at the Museum’s Foss House. To the great pleasure of the Museum’s president, Sharon Moore, more than 60 persons, both English- and French-speaking, visited the Museum and met with the artist.
Visitors had a chance to visit the treasures of the Museum free of charge, but more than that, they had the opportunity to converse with the artist himself. Palmer congenially took the time to explain his works and his approach in creating them. Often inspired by a photograph after a period of research, he reproduced the life of the first colonists during the era of colonization, their means of transportation, their way of working and other aspects of daily life. He produced 35 works in all, but only exhibited 25 because he was not satisfied with the others. Some 15 works were sold during the exhibit, and the proceeds donated to the museum.
Monique Nadeau Saumier, art historian and heritage consultant, participated in the research and preparation of the main exhibition at the Eaton Corner Museum. She expressed her admiration for the artist and for the distinctive features of the objects in the exhibition that reflected the history of bygone era. “The museum is magnificent, and the Congregationalist church has been kept in very good condition. Here, the village has stayed almost intact.”
Finally, just to mention that by reserving in advance, groups may visit the
Museum during the off-season. Just call 819-889-2698.

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Pierre Hébert
Pierre a été le directeur général du Journal pendant plus de 30 ans. Il a pris sa retraite en 2023.
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