May the Seed Festival Begin!

The sixth annual Seed Festival organized by the Sawyerville Community Garden is planned for Saturday, February 16, at the Notre-Dame-du-Saint-Rosaire Church. The event will bring together some 20 kiosks of seed producers, market gardeners and artisans, in addition to offering a dozen speakers. Several of the presentations will be in English or bilingual, an innovation this year.

“In Cookshire, 20% of the population is English-speaking, so it will be fun to have some presentations that can include this pool of participants. It’s something we worked hard to do this year,” mentioned Sammuel Tanguay, treasurer of the Community Garden. He is also a producer at the Les Maraichers de l’or vert Farm, and one of the bilingual speakers. His presentation will be about regenerative farms.

The other topics discussed during the day will range from pollinators to living soils, including cultivating nuts and mushrooms, and fermenting vegetables. Having taken place at the Ramana Hotel last year, the Seed Festival will extend throughout the basement as well as the ground floor of the Notre-Dame-du-Saint-Rosaire Church. “We try to improve the Seed Festival each year,” said Tanguay. “It’s becoming bigger and bigger.”

Among other presenters and participants, visitors will have an opportunity to talk with producers Daniel and Madeleine Labonté of the Jardins des Bocages in Cookshire-Eaton and Brian Creelman of Seeds for Food in Dudswell. They can also learn more about the Rameal Chipped Wood (RCW) technique from Louis Langlois.

Lunchtime will offer a variety of options cooked up by a team of volunteers. This year, greater place is being given to vegetarian and vegan dishes. “We are trying to attract as many people as possible by being inclusive, whether in the foods served or in the presentations,” said Sammuel Tanguay.

It’s a question of being ready for the arrival of springtime. The Sawyerville Community Garden invites everybody to the Seed Festival on February 16. It is possible to buy tickets or to ask questions by contacting the organization directly. The event takes place at the Sawyerville church situated at 4 Randboro Road in Cookshire-Eaton.

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Jean-Marc Brais
Jean-Marc oeuvre dans les médias communautaires depuis 2013. Il a été journaliste pour le Haut-Saint-François de 2017 à 2019. Il est de retour au Journal depuis 2024.
©2025 Journal Le Haut-Saint-François