On the night of June 12 to 13, a fire broke out in a shed behind Pope Memorial Elementary School in Bury. The fifth fire in less than a month is causing public concern.
The fire is of suspicious origin and the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) is investigating it. A fire technician inspected the scene to find the cause. The building is a total loss, but luckily no one was injured.
On May 18 a first house was destroyed by fire. Another burned down on May 28 and 30, and on May 31, it was the turn of a shed in Memorial Park.
For the moment, the SQ has not said whether these events are related, and is continuing the investigations.
Fire in a Shed in Bury : A 5th in Less Than a Month

Article précédentIncendie d’un cabanon à Bury : Un 5e en moins d’un mois