Taxes are the stuff of life, but so is Zoom, these days. Here are some great opportunities, as close as your couch.
The Knowlton Literary Association invites participants of all ages to three webinars by First Nations authors, including question periods. They are free and in English. Presentations by Phyllis Webstad and Paul Seesequasis will be recorded and can be streamed later; the presentation by Bob Joseph will not.
Phyllis Webstad’s session on Thursday, February 25, at 12:45 p.m., is entitled Orange Shirt Day. She will read her story about her own experiences as a little girl in a residential school. Webstad wrote two books, Orange Shirt Day, and Phyllis’s Orange Shirt.
The same day at 2:35 p.m., Bob Joseph will explain the Indian Act of the 1800s and why it is at the root of the issues facing Indigenous peoples today, and why they lack basic opportunities such as clean water, education, health care and more. (More about the Indian Act is at Joseph authored 21 Things You May Not Know about the Indian Act.
On Friday, February 26, at 7 p.m., Paul Seesequais will tell about eight different Indigenous communities, from Cape Dorset to Nunavut in northern Quebec. He has authored Blanket Toss under Midnight Sun, an insightful book of texts and photographs.
Details and a link for advance registration are at:
Here it comes, the season of income taxes! The bilingual income tax assistance program in Sawyerville is ready to assist persons with limited income, free of charge, starting in March.
This service is part of the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program organized by the Canada Revenue Agency. Trained volunteers prepare both Canada and Quebec tax returns for persons with limited income.
You are eligible to use the Community Volunteer Income Tax Service if you are: (1) a single person with a maximum annual revenue of $25,000; (2) a couple with a maximum revenue of $30,000, plus $2,000 for each dependant; or (3) a single parent with a child with a maximum revenue of $30,000 plus $2,000 for each additional dependant.
Eligible persons’ income from interest should not exceed $1,000, and does not include income from self-employment, bankruptcy, or deceased persons.
Bring along any slips you’ve received from the Canada Revenue Agency and Revenu Québec in the past months, and your notices of assessment from last year’s returns.
You will need your T4 and Relevé slips from your employer, or any other forms you received regarding income or tuition. Also, if you are a renter, you will need the RL-31 form from your landlord. House owners will need their property tax number, which is on the municipal property tax bill.
Bring receipts for any payments you made for pills, dentist visits, glasses, or other health expenses. (Tip: Your pharmacy can give you a printout listing your pharmaceutical costs for the year.) These expenses may give you a tax credit.
Persons above age 70 should inquire about a refundable tax credit for expenses incurred to continue living independently. Such expenses could include purchasing, leasing or installing eligible equipment or fixtures, or staying in a functional rehabilitation transition unit.
The Sawyerville income tax assistance program features the same team of volunteers as in the past – Danielle, Francine, and Suzanne. The service is sponsored by a very local community organization, Loisirs Sawyerville.
When? Wednesday afternoons from 1 to 4 p.m. on March 10, 17, 24 and 31, and Wednesday evenings from 6 to 8 p.m. on March 17 and 24.
Where? At the Catholic church in Sawyerville, Église Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire, 4 Randboro Road. Use the back door to enter the basement.
How? Do it safely! Wear a mask. Stay two metres away from others. Minimize contact: Inside the door, you will see some plastic publisac bags. Put your papers in one of the bags, and place the bag in one of the three boxes. Each box will be labeled with the name of one of the tax preparers, Danielle, Francine, or Suzanne. For your own safety, please don’t touch other people’s bags.
The tax preparers will keep the papers in the boxes for 3-4 days before touching them. Along with your papers, be sure to give your phone number; one of the tax preparers will call you if they have any questions about your forms.
Or if you need any information, call Danielle at 819-889-2614, Francine at 819-889-2574, or Suzanne at 819-889-1036.
Townshippers’ Association is offering a free, easy and confidential Legal Information Clinic in English, in partnership with the Université de Sherbrooke. Clinic volunteers offer information and referrals, but not legal advice. Info: email
Also, Éducaloi is giving a free Zoom information session in English on Wednesday, February 24, at 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. For an overview of important legal tools to make life easier for your loved ones down the road, register for the session at
Non-profit organization Yes has organized lots of free online workshops in English offering enlightenment for job seekers. For details and to register, visit, or call 1-888-614-9788.
Anglican. Bishop Bruce Myers continues to offer Home Prayers at 10:30 a.m. Sundays on Facebook, and at (Worship Videos). Info: 819-887-6802, or
United. Home worship services are available for pickup Fridays after 2 p.m. at Sawyerville United Church (box on top of freezer in porch), at Trinity United Church (in plastic bag at basement door). To receive services by mail or email, or for pastoral care, contact Rev Tami Spires at 819-452-3685 or Facebook info: United Eaton Valley Pastoral Charge.
Baptist. Services are cancelled until further notice because of pandemic constraints. Info: Pastor Michel Houle: 819-239-8818.
Do you have news to share? Call 819-300-2374 or email by February 22 for publication March 3, and by March 8 for March 17.

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