Campaigns for the position of mayor are emerging in six municipalities in the Haut-Saint-François, including Ascot Corner, Bury, Cookshire-Eaton, Dudswell, Newport and Westbury. In contrast, the mayoral candidates in the municipalities of Chartierville, East Angus, Hampden, Lingwick, La
Patrie, Saint-Isidore-de-Clifton, Scotstown and Weedon were all elected without opposition.
In Ascot Corner, the outgoing councillor, Éric Mageau, is up against Jacques de Léséleuc, former mayor of Hatley and resident of the municipality for the past few years. During her campaign in the recent federal election under the colours of the Bloc Québécois, the outgoing mayor, Nathalie Bresse, had already announced her intention not to stand for re-election.
In Bury, it has been a while since the citizens have had a mayoral election. This time, they will have to decide between the outgoing mayor, Walter Dougherty, and Denis Savagùe. Over in Cookshire-Eaton, outgoing mayor Sylvie Lapointe will face outgoing councillor Mario Gendron. We have a surprise in Dudswell, where a three-way fight is emerging. Outgoing mayor Mariane Paré will face former mayor Jean-Pierre Briand and Daniel Blais.
The citizens of Newport will also have to elect a mayor. They will have to decide between Robert Asselin and Richard Gray. It will be the same for the voters of Westbury who will have to choose whether the outgoing mayor, Gray Forster, or the outgoing councillor, Sylvain Hébert, is best qualified to lead the municipality.
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As well, in Saint-Isidore-de-Clifton, former mayor André Perron took over the reins of the municipality as mayor. In Lingwick, Robert Gladu succeeds mayor Céline Gagné. In Scotstown, the outgoing councillor, Marc-Olivier Désilets, will assume the leadership of the municipality. In Weedon, Eugène Gagné, appointed mayor last February, was elected without opposition.
Mayoral Elections : Races in Six Municipalities

Article précédentCourses à la mairie : Des luttes dans six municipalités