Prefect of the Haut-Saint-François MRC : A Two-way Fight


The citizens of the 14 municipalities in the Haut-Saint-François MRC will vote to choose which candidate, the outgoing prefect Robert G. Roy or Marc Turcotte, is best qualified to fill the position of warden, or prefect.
Mr. Roy is completing a term in this position and has expressed his intention to continue in it. His opponent, Marc Turcotte, already ran for election to this post, without success, in 2013. This time, he is back, more determined than ever. Mr. Turcotte ran in the last municipal election in Cookshire-Eaton against the current mayor, Sylvie Lapointe.

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Pierre Hébert
Pierre a été le directeur général du Journal pendant plus de 30 ans. Il a pris sa retraite en 2023.
©2025 Journal Le Haut-Saint-François