Besides choosing among several candidates for municipal councillor positions, the citizens of Bury will have to decide between the outgoing mayor, Walter Dougherty, and his opponent, Denis Savage.
The number of candidates for various positions and the possibility of working with new people and former elected officials seem to stimulate this veteran of municipal politics. “I have no objection to working with new elected officials. That’s one of the reasons I want to continue,” Mr. Dougherty said.
Aware that some files are slow to be carried out, the candidate attributes the responsibility to the various ministerial authorities who are slow to give the green light. “We try to move things forward while respecting the budget. The worst thing is to wait for responses from the ministries,” he said.
To the contrary, he is proud of various achievements, such as the renewal of part of the fleet of trucks and equipment. Repairing a section of McIver Street and relocating the municipal office to the former building are among the council’s most important accomplishments, he said.
Regarding projects, the outgoing mayor has the firm intention of fulfilling a longstanding commitment, namely to build a fire station. Added to this should be a new municipal garage. The reconstruction of Stokes Street with the water system and sidewalk is on the list of achievements of the outgoing mayor. Mr. Dougherty would also like to proceed with the creation of a public market that could be located in the vacant lot opposite the old town hall. While he seeks a fourth consecutive term as mayor, he stipulates that it would be his last, if he is elected.
Resident of Bury since birth, Denis Savage says he wants to get involved for his municipality. “I have always had an interest in getting involved in the village, especially in the city council.» The large number of candidates for the various positions has had a stimulating effect for him, he added.
According to the candidate, while there are good things, several deserve improvement. Mr. Savage deplores the slowness of files. “The projects put on the table are seldom accomplished. Now is the time for a wind of change. I want to get involved, but I don’t want to turn it (the municipality) upside down, in the sense of improving it, above all,» he said.
Mr. Savage wants to attract new residents, commerces, and businesses. “Telecommuting has brought in a lot of new people.» He wants to counter the devitalization of the municipality. «We don’t have a caisse populaire anymore; we just have the post office and the store. I don’t want the village to die out. I grew up in this village, I care about it.» He also wants to circulate more information about the municipality with an aim of more transparency.
Owner of the general store, Mr. Savage said he was aware of the dissatisfaction of certain citizens. Defining himself as a team player, he will not hesitate to delegate responsibilities according to the strengths of the elected officials. Very close to retirement, he suggested he is very ready to invest the time necessary for the municipality.
Bury : Choice between Experience or Newness

Article précédentMairie d’Ascot Corner : Trancher entre deux candidats d’expérience