The election of the prefect on November 7 may seem trivial to ordinary people, but it is very important. The person who is elected will play the role of captain of the flagship. He must have a regional vision and be able to exercise leadership that will rally the 14 mayors of the municipalities in the Haut-Saint-François. This is no small task, because it is with the support of the mayors that the MRC will be able to meet the needs of the municipalities and therefore of the entire population. Thus, citizens will have to decide who is best suited to assume this responsibility: outgoing Prefect Robert G. Roy, or Marc Turcotte.
Robert G. Roy claims to still have fire in his belly. “I am in politics to serve people and not to serve myself. I am here for that and especially to develop the MRC in a global way and so far, I have succeeded. The prefect backs up his assertion by citing the Route 257 committee, which brought together five municipalities. This partnership with the MRC demonstrates trust and a shared collaboration to resolve a situation that has persisted for many years. This achievement, he adds, will improve the quality of life of people by attracting newcomers, developing tourism, and in other ways.
Mr. Roy believes that he has contributed to the advancement of the MRC in recent years at various levels such as tourism, agriculture, industry and so on. In terms of industry, he is proud to have participated, through numerous interventions with the government, in obtaining aid that has made it possible to keep certain large factories operating that had threatened to close, and this at the height of the pandemic.
The candidate is well aware of his role, and credits the mayors’ willingness to work for the good of the community as a whole. “The prefect is supervised by the mayors. We give ourselves an orientation based on an action plan. And I take care of political issues.» The outgoing warden mentioned working mainly with mayors and political representatives of the federal and provincial governments.
Among his accomplishments, Mr. Roy mentioned 110 business projects assisted by the CLD for an investment of $33 million, technical aid to businesses, high-speed Internet, the designation of the Marécage-des-Scots Regional Park in Scotstown, the financial recovery of Valoris, and the sustainability of the Mont-Mégantic Observatory. Among his projects, he wants to continue and complete what has been started, such as Route 257, high speed Internet connection, updating the Agricultural Zone Development Plan (PDZA), and more. He also intends to continue his involvement in supporting businesses.
Mr. Roy admits to cherishing a dream «that we are no longer a disadvantaged region. If I improve that, it means that I improve the quality of life, salaries.» A committee has been formed for this purpose, he adds.
For the prefect, leadership comes down to frankness and discussion. He thinks it has worked well for him so far.
Marc Turcotte
Candidate Marc Turcotte wants to change the philosophy of the MRC. He emphasizes that the MRC has become like an intermediary between the government and the municipalities through various subsidized programs, and is not at the service of the municipalities enough, whereas it is they who contribute financially to the functioning of the structure. «This is what I want to change. I want to ensure that the MRC, as in a large municipality, becomes a managerial, town planning and development service for local municipalities.»
Mr. Turcotte clarified his thoughts by mentioning that he wanted the MRC to continue to be the intermediary between the government and its programs, and to build bridges with the municipalities for development. But it should give priority to providing services to local municipalities.
Having worked in several municipalities as a town planner and manager, Mr. Turcotte mentioned that various municipal employees complain, saying «we don’t have the services we want. Rightly or wrongly,” he explains. The candidate believes that the personnel of the MRC should work in collaboration with the personnel of the municipalities.
On the regional scene, Mr. Turcotte would like the recovery of waste, particularly that sent to Valoris, to take place within the industrial zones of the municipalities of the Haut-Saint-François. In terms of tourism, he wants to develop a formula for integrating the various projects in the area, such as the sheds, the Deux Rivières Park in East Angus, the Cloutier Pond in Cookshire, the Camping Vert in Saint-Isidore-de-Clifton, and others. He would like them to be brought together for some kind of networking in order to promote retention in the territory. “The MRC should approach municipalities and develop a concept of tourism retention. That would be wonderful,” said the candidate.
Having no experience as an elected municipal official, Mr. Turcotte does not see this as an obstacle to assuming leadership with the mayors. He nevertheless thinks he is able to bridge the gap by having worked for 20 years in an MRC. If elected, the candidate intends to use participatory leadership. «I’m going to run on the adrenaline that these people are going to give me. I am a consensus and participatory guy.»
Election for Prefect of the MRC : Continuity and Change in the Air

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