
Show me a pandemic among humans, and I’ll show you difficult emotions!
Two Zoom workshops offering skills for dealing with such feelings are planned for Wednesdays, January 19 and 26. The first workshop focuses on “in the moment” panic attacks, anger management, and other intense feelings. The second deals with “thinking ahead” – identifying underlying causes and suggesting long-term solutions and techniques. Psychotherapist Melissa Hindley will lead both workshops, and both begin at 7 p.m. To register, contact Mental Health Estrie at 819-565-2388 or outreach@mentalhealthestrie.com, or visit MHE’s Facebook page or website, mentalhealthestrie.com.
Townshippers’ Association invites you to a Zoom workshop in English about how journaling can benefit your mental well-being. Claire Suisman of Vent Over Tea will introduce writing techniques and exercises that incorporate basic wellness practices in an interactive and hands-on workshop of writing and sharing. The workshop is aimed at beginners, but is open to all via Zoom on Thursday, January 20, from noon to 1 p.m. To register, contact Cisco at ca@townshippers.org.
In an online exhibition, the Eastern Townships Research Centre (ETRC) offers a collection of historical snapshots shedding light on important chapters in the Black history of our region, including slavery, the Underground Railroad, blackface minstrel performances, 1920s jazz, the Black activist movements of today, and more.
Dr. Sunita Nigam will launch the exhibit with a presentation on Wednesday, February 2, at 7 p.m. via Zoom or on the ETRC Facebook page. For information, and to register for the Zoom, visit Black-histories.com.
Ditching Diet Culture, a Zoom workshop, is to be facilitated by Cora Loomis, registered dietitian, on Wednesday, February 2, at 12 to 1 p.m. The idea is to move away from “diet culture” and towards “food freedom and body acceptance.” The workshop will be recorded, and the video of it will be available for one month after the live session to those who register. So interested persons who cannot attend should still sign up, for access to the recording. For the link, email Michelle at ml@townshippers.org.
Arrimage Estrie is offering an Introduction to Intuitive Eating group in English, led by Cora Loomis, registered dietitian. The series of five support sessions are on Mondays from March 7 to April 4, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., via Zoom.
Participants in will explore an approach that focuses on health and well-being without trying to control weight. Among the 10 principles of this approach are hunger and fullness cues, emotions, nutrition, movement, food beliefs, and more. “Each meeting will include group discussions and activities as well as personal reflections and exercises that will allow you to move slowly towards a way of eating that provides more freedom and way more enjoyment,” said Cora Loomis in the group description.
“It isn’t offered all that often in English,” pointed out Michelle Lepitre. “It also follows nicely on the Ditching Diet Culture workshop because intuitive eating and ditching diet culture go hand-in-hand.”
The group is filling up fast. The $25 fee for the series includes an Arrimage Estrie membership. Register at: https://arrimageestrie.com/groupessoutien/intuitive-eating-group/.
If permitted by Covid protocols, the Sawyerville yoga class is to begin Tuesday, February 1st, at 10 a.m. For confirmation, contact Myrna MacDonald Lowry via Messenger, email at myrnamac44@gmail.com, or by phone at 819-875-5393.
Les yeux dans l’eau (Eyes in the Water) is an art exhibit at The Foreman Art Gallery of Bishop’s University from January 21 to March 16. The exhibit looks at human and non-human relationships with water. The Foreman Art Gallery and Sporobole Art Center, housing the exhibit, are both located at the crossings of the St-Francis, Magog, and Massawippi River. The artists are Kelly Jaclynn Andres, Maude Deslauriers, Gaëlle Elma, Tania Love, Ludovic Boney and Caroline Monnet. For information, visit the exhibition web page at foreman.ubishops.ca/les-yeux-dans-leau/. Respecting Covid health measures, the opening reception has been postponed.
“Tired of the TV screen? Treat yourself to a visit to our tiny town library in Sawyerville, at 11 A Clifton Road (back door). Tiny it is in appearance, but it is also huge, for it belongs to a great lending system under the umbrella of Le Réseau Biblio de l’Estrie which both provides and searches for books near and far,” wrote librarian Ann Rothfels.
The Sawyerville Library has books for children and adults, in both English and French. Opening hours are Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. And yes, the library remains open, with Covid protocols in place. For information, please contact Ann Rothfels at 819-875-5428, “your friendly volunteer librarian for these past forty years.”
The bilingual Viactive exercise groups in Cookshire, Newport, and Sawyerville are all on hold because of Covid restrictions. “In the meantime, to keep your spirits up, go to move50plus.ca,” suggested Lyne Maisonneuve of the Newport group.
I visited that website and got my French spirits lifted nicely. After a bit of searching, I found stayonyourfeet/keeping active to lift my English spirits. “I hope people are exercising at home,” said Serena Wintle, who leads the Cookshire group.
“We’ll let you know as soon as Viactive starts up again,” said Denise Nault of the Sawyerville group.
United. For updated worship services in January and February, please call the office at 819-889-2838; contact Rev. Tami Spires at 819-452-3685 (leave message) or spiresta@hotmail.com, or check the “United Eaton Valley Pastoral Charge” Facebook page.
Baptist. Services are on hold until further notice. For information, please contact Pastor Michel Houle at 819-239-8818.
Anglican. Bishop Bruce Myers continues to offer Home Prayers at 10:30 a.m. (new time!) on Sundays via Facebook, and at quebec.anglican.ca (Worship Videos). Info: 819-887-6802, or consult quebec.anglican.ca.
Do you have news to share? Call 819-640-1340 or email rawrites@gmail.com by January 24 for publication February 2, or by February 7 for February 16.

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Rachel Garber
Rachel Garber is editor of the Townships Sun magazine and writes from her home in the old hamlet of Maple Leaf, in Newport.
©2025 Journal Le Haut-Saint-François