Rachel Garber

“The Only Two Certainties In Life Are Death And Taxes,” Ben Franklin wrote in 1789.
Will Rogers nuanced that: “The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.”
Then there’s taxes on death. In Canada, after someone dies, their estate pays taxes on income or on capital gains earned during the last year of life, and on taxes on interest or capital gains made on money in the estate ( But up to $10,000 of death benefits are not taxable, other than the CPP or QPP death benefits. Small mercies from the taxman.
A bilingual income tax assistance program in Sawyerville assists persons with limited income, free of charge. This service is part of the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program organized by the Canada Revenue Agency. Trained volunteers prepare both Canada and Quebec returns for persons with limited income.
To use the Community Volunteer Income Tax Service, you must be: (1) a single person with a maximum annual revenue of $35,000; (2) a couple with a maximum revenue of $45,000, plus $2,500 for each dependant; or (3) a single parent with a child with a maximum revenue of $45,000 plus $2,500 for each additional dependant. Income from interest should not exceed $1,000. Persons with income from self-employment, bankruptcy, or deceased persons are not eligible.
You will need: (1) any papers you received from the Canada Revenue Agency and Revenu Québec in the past months, and your last Notices of Assessment; (2) your T4 and Relevé slips from your employer, or any other forms you received regarding income or tuition; (3) the RL-31 form from your landlord, if you are a renter. House owners will need their property tax number, which is on the municipal property tax bill.
Bring receipts for any payments you made for pills, dentist visits, glasses, or other health expenses. (Tip: Your pharmacy can give you a printout listing your pharmaceutical costs for the year.) These expenses may give you a tax credit.)
Persons above age 70 should inquire about a refundable tax credit for expenses incurred to continue living independently. Bring your home maintenance expenses, including purchasing, leasing or installing eligible equipment or fixtures, or staying in a functional rehabilitation transition unit. This year the credit is up to $2,000, depending on your total income.
The Sawyerville income tax assistance program features the same team of volunteers as in the past – Danielle, Francine, and Suzanne. The service is sponsored by Loisirs Sawyerville.
When? Wednesday afternoons, March 8 and 29, from 1 to 4 p.m., and March 15 and 22, from 1 to 6 p.m.
Where? At the Catholic church in Sawyerville, Église Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire, 4 Randboro Road. Use the back door to enter the basement.
If you need any information, call Danielle at 819-889-2614.
“Estate Planning: What you need to know in advance” is the topic of a free online webinar offered by Seniors Action Quebec on Tuesday, March 14, at 10 a.m. to noon. The registration deadline is March 7.
The session will include three topics. First, planning ahead: How to prepare your finances and plan your taxes so as to reduce the tax burden on your estate. Second, having a will, and reviewing it: The different kinds of wills, what documentation you need to put together in advance to help with the liquidation of your estate, and what information to share―or not―with your heirs. And finally, the role of the liquidator: The duties and obligations, and how to carry out a will search.
The presenters are notaries Linda Hammerschmid and Samy Staltari, and financial advisor Danny Sirgnano.
To register, send your contact information to Ruth Pelletier at by March 7. For more information, visit
You still have time to catch Mental Health Estrie’s workshop via Zoom on Wednesday, February 22, at 6 p.m. Dr. Xavier Amador will be speaking about “I Am Not Sick, I Don’t Need Help! How to Help Someone with Mental Illness Accept Treatment.” That, by the way, is one of the most popular books in the library of Mental Health Estrie.
You can hear Dr. Amador at, or by joining the February 22nd Zoom. For information, contact Emily McBurney at or 819-565-2388.
Bishop’s University Lifelong Learning Academy offers these free, fun workshops and events on Zoom for lifelong learners: (1) Nonfiction Writing for Magazines, with Rachel Garber, on Friday, February 24, at 10 a.m., about personal essays. (2) Overseas Adventures, by Arthur Shears: A book launch on Saturday, February 25, at 1:30 p.m., from Afghanistan to Zambia and Points In-Between. Finally, (3) Fugue Forum: U is for Unreal, with Etienne Domingue, on Monday, February 27, at 7 p.m., on magical realism. For information or to sign up for any of these free workshops, please email
If you’re at this stage of life, don’t live to regret not trying for a Townships Young Voices Award from the Townships Sun. Your creative writing, art or photo can be great fun, and could just win! Deadline: February 28. Details: If you’re looking for inspiration or tips, check out the video clips at Seriously.
Baptist. In-person Sunday services are in French at 9 a.m. and in English at 11 a.m. All services are at the Sawyerville Baptist Church, 33 rue de Cookshire. For information, please contact Pastor Michel Houle at 819-889-2819.
Anglican. No Anglican services are planned in Cookshire until the spring of 2023. For the schedule of services at the St. George’s Anglican Church, 84 Queen St., Lennoxville, visit and click on the “Calendar” link. Info: 819-887-6802, or
United. Sunday services are at 10:30 a.m., at the Sawyerville United Church, 42 Principale N., Sawyerville (before Bédard Road). Info: 819-889-2838. For pastoral care, call Rev. Spires at 819-452-3685.
Do you have news to share? Call 819-640-1340 or email by February 20 for publication March 1.

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Rachel Garber
Rachel Garber is editor of the Townships Sun magazine and writes from her home in the old hamlet of Maple Leaf, in Newport.
©2025 Journal Le Haut-Saint-François