Regular tractor and truck pulls are returning to the Cookshire Fair this year, by popular demand. So much so that the activity eclipsed the usual horse-pulling that many found more difficult to justify in terms of animal welfare and their right to good treatment. In fact, the Sunday evening horse pulls were removed from the 2023 program.
The activity features farm tractors and street trucks pulling on Friday, August 18, at 7:30 p.m., and modified tractors and trucks pulling on Saturday, August 19 at 7 p.m., both times in front of the grandstand. The activities have been organized in collaboration with the Association sportive de tire de tracteurs du Québec (ASTTQ). In terms of novelties, a pull of modified mini-tractors was added on Sunday, August 20, at 6 p.m., in collaboration with the Club des p’tits tracteurs de tire modifiés, in front of the grandstand. It’s not to be missed; strong emotions are guaranteed!
Tractor and Truck Pulls for All Tastes!

Article précédentLe Centre Mc Auley, point névralgique d’animation de l’Expo