Wanted: Creative youth aged 11 to 29 who live in the Eastern Townships.
Do you enjoy making art? Taking photos? Putting words together into poetry? Maybe combining poetry and image? Creating a short story? Researching and writing a nonfiction piece?
If so, here’s your chance to take part in the new Townships Young Voices Awards organized by the Townships Sun magazine. The works of 15 winners will be published in the July-August 2024 Townships Sun. Plus, they will share in awards totalling $3,000: $450 for first prize in each of the five categories; $100 for second prize winners, and $50 for third prizes.
February 29. That’s the deadline for submission, just two weeks from now. So quick―send your clicky finger to find the guidelines and submission forms at TownshipsSun.ca/Townships-Young-Voices.
Something new this year: TYVoices has a communications agent to help get the word out to individuals, schools, and community groups. Her name is Xania Keane, and she lives right here in the Haut-Saint-François; in Newport, to be exact. She’s one of our newest Haut-Saint-Franciscans, having moved here last year from Montreal.
Xania is a creative powerhouse! Her art is vibrant. She’s created cover art for two recent issues of the Townships Sun, one in September 2023 on the theme of childhood, and another for this month’s issue. (More about that in a minute.)
Her writing is captivating, frank and fun. She’s written a book entitled Lupita’s Misadventures Across Canada. Intriguingly, it’s from the viewpoint of Lupita, her family’s minivan.
She’s a musician, too, and tap-dancing performer with two European tours under her belt. She has created a bunch of music videos. No matter her media, she has a distinctive voice all her own. You can see more of our new neighbour and her many gifts at her website, iamxania.com.
Most of all, check out Instagram/tyvoices to see what Xania has to say about Townships Young Voices!
Part 1 of the 50th Anniversary celebration in print―the February issue of the Townships Sun―is on the magazine stands at the Cookshire IGA and the Dépanneur Lachance in Sawyerville. You can’t miss the really sunny cover by Xania Keane, a drawing that riffs off the first images ever published in the Townships Sun of 50 years ago. The first Sun logo peers over the horizon of the Coaticook Gorge, and inside the magazine are those two original images. They’re part of the first-ever Townships Sun edition, published February 8, 1974, and reprinted in this issue.
If you don’t want to miss Part II, the 52-page 50th Anniversary Legacy edition in full colour, subscribe now at TownshipsSun.ca/Subscribe. It’s slated for publication March 15.
Ever since he played the role of Ol’ Hugh in the 2019 play, Pilgarlic, John Mackley has been working on a collection of stories of historical fiction set in the village of Brookbury, the Township of Bury, and the surrounding area. But Ol’ Tom is a very different character from Ol’ Hugh. Ol’ Tom Stories tells about the early 20th century experiences of Thomas Ian McKenzie, his family, and the greater community. Angela Leuck of Shoreline Press plans to publish Ol’ Tom Stories in the summer of 2024. Stand by for more news.
A bilingual income tax assistance program in Sawyerville assists persons with limited income, free of charge. Trained volunteers prepare both Canada and Quebec returns. This service is organized by the Loisirs de Sawyerville, and is part of the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program organized by the Canada Revenue Agency.
To use the Community Volunteer Income Tax Service, you must be: (1) a single person with a maximum annual revenue of $35,000; (2) a couple with a maximum revenue of $45,000, plus $2,500 for each dependant; or (3) a single parent with a child, with a maximum revenue of $45,000 plus $2,500 for each additional dependant. Income from interest should not exceed $1,000. Persons with income from self-employment, bankruptcy, or deceased persons are not eligible.
The Sawyerville income tax assistance program features the same team of volunteers as in the past – Danielle, Francine, and Suzanne.
When? Wednesday afternoons, March 6 and 27, from 1 to 4 p.m., and March 13 and 20, from 1 to 6 p.m.
Where? At the Catholic church in Sawyerville, Église Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire, 4 Randboro Road. Use the back door to enter the basement.
What to bring? You will need: (1) any papers you received from the Canada Revenue Agency and Revenu Québec in the past months, and your last Notices of Assessment; (2) your T4 and Relevé slips from your employer, or any other forms you received regarding income or tuition; (3) the RL-31 form from your landlord, if you are a renter. House owners will need their property tax number, which is on the municipal property tax bill.
Bring receipts for any payments you made for pills, dentist visits, glasses, or other health expenses. (Tip: Your pharmacy can give you a printout listing your pharmaceutical costs for the year.) These expenses may give you a tax credit.
Persons age 70 or older should inquire about a refundable tax credit for expenses incurred to continue living independently. Bring your home maintenance expenses, including purchasing, leasing or installing eligible equipment or fixtures, or staying in a functional rehabilitation transition unit.
If you need any information, call Danielle at 819-889-2614.
Baptist. Sunday Services are in French at 9 a.m. and in English at 11 a.m., at the Sawyerville Baptist Church, 33 rue de Cookshire. For information, please contact Pastor Michel Houle at 819-889-2819.
Anglican. No services in Cookshire. To find services in the deanery, check the schedule at deaneryofstfrancis.com/calendar/. Info: 819-887-6802, or quebec.anglican.ca.
United. Sunday services are 9:30 a.m. at the Trinity United Church (Cookshire), and 11 a.m. at the Sawyerville United Church. Info: 819-889-2838. For pastoral care, call Rev. Spires at 819-452-3685.
Do you have news to share? Call 819-640-1340 or email rawrites@gmail.com by February 19 for publication February 28.

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